About Team K9 Buddy

Believe it or not, it’s the off-season again, and this page needs to be updated. At the moment, I am not actively fundraising, but I actively encourage you to make a donation to help the homeless dogs and cats of Main Line Animal Rescue.

When it’s not the off-season, I’m actively trying to raise funds for MLAR through Team K9 Buddy. I’m very proud to say that my fundraiser in 2019 netted $2000, and my fundraiser in 2018 (when I was calling it Team Ride Dogged) did the same. My 2020 fundraiser brought in $1060 in one week, enough to give me the title of largest individual donor for the event (a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it, but in any case an illustration of how very important your donations are!)

I’m frankly not sure what the rest of 2020 will be like. I don’t know if there will be another fundraiser this year after Handlebarks. But as I try to mention as often as I can, MLAR can use your help year ‘round, and whenever you’re ready you can make a donation there.

On behalf of the dogs and cats. I thank you.